Clear Database clears the current database so that you may create a new database. You can also save the database before you clear it (see below).
Load New Database is how you replace an existing database with a new one after clearing the prior one. Databases must first be saved (see below) before you can load them.
Save Database will save a database of selected songs. It will be saved as mmjb.mmd.
Save Database as customizes the naming of your database files to something other than mmjb.mmd. All file names will have the .mmd extension.
Export Database allows you to export the database to a tab delimited text file. You can then import this file into Excel or any spread sheet or database program.
Add Song Text adds lyrics or artist notes to your song for display while that song is playing.
Highlight a song and click Text. You can then type or paste the lyrics or notes from an outside source (using control V on the keyboard). The lyrics will appear next to the song each time it is played. Or you may type your own text which you wish to appear.
Add Song Art adds the album cover to your song for display while that song is playing. Scan your CD jacket and save the .bmp file into your MusicMatch Jukebox subdirectory. Highlight a song and click Art. Click on the .bmp file which you just created and then click Done. The .bmp image will appear next to the song each time it is played. If you'd like to edit the image or add your own art, select Open Microsoft Paint. Bitmap size for this is 200 x 200.
I-Music (tracks downloaded from the web site) will include both album art and lyrics which will automatically appear when they are played.
Delete Songs deletes the song entry from the database. You may also highlight a selection of entries to delete simultaneously. This function will not delete the actual file. To do this, go to Explore and delete the file(s) in the conventional manner.